Cart Overflow: Where eCommerce Marketing Playbooks Are Written & Shared

Why Objection-Based Emails Will Boost Your Sales & Brand, with Danavir Sarria

Episode Summary

Danavir Sarria is the Founder of SupplyDrop, The Email Marketing Agency 8 Figure Brands Recommend. He helps ecommerce brands drive up to 30% of their total revenue from email marketing, by using advanced strategies like high frequency email sends, objection-based creative, and quarterly email calendaring. He is a wealth of knowledge about email and Klaviyo in particular, so this was a fun conversation to get into the weeds of how to set up email marketing content calendars, how to stand out from competitive inboxes, and how to overcome customer objections.

Episode Notes

Show Highlights: 

1:10: Danavir's philosophy on email

06:16 How Danavir builds out post-quiz flows

14:01 How to continue generating new email content ideas


Find Danavir online: 


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