Cart Overflow: Where eCommerce Marketing Playbooks Are Written & Shared

Customers Over Clicks - How To Create Customer Value, with Will Laurenson

Episode Summary

Will Laurenson is not about vanity metrics — he’s about driving engagement with a brand, and converting shoppers into customers. A Customer Marketing consultant for ecommerce brands, Will is focused on improving conversion rate and lifetime value by focusing on the customer experience. Will shares his experience on how to understand what actually matters to customers, and create positioning and messaging that actually matters to them. Ultimately, it comes down to understanding the customer's needs -- who are they, what problems are they having, what does success look like to them? Will shares his process for how he works with fast-growing DTC brands to create better customer experiences that ultimately translate to higher average order values and more repeat purchases.

Episode Notes


1:39 - WIIFM -- what's in it for me: the foundation of a good customer experience.

12:41 - How Will uses fit finder quizzes to improve the cusotmer experience.

17:46 - Different Personalization tactics Will recommends

21:22-  To discount, or not?



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