Cart Overflow: Where eCommerce Marketing Playbooks Are Written & Shared

Art & Science: How To Optimize Creative and Data to Unlock Profitable Ads, with Will Perry

Episode Summary

Will Perry is the CEO+CMO of REASON Agency, an eCommerce growth consultancy. He is dedicated to accelerating growth for eCommerce businesses through 13 years of experience and REASON’s unique and unequaled optimization strategies. Will has mastered how to create a profitable funnel – between testing the right creative, messaging, audiences and follow up sequences. There are so many nuances to setting up an ad funnel that scales profitably. Will has done it countless times, and shares his expertise in detail.

Episode Notes


06:11 - How Will changes his offer and strategy depending on Order Value

12:22 - How to calculate the break even point for advertising campaigns

16:40 - Why you should send traffic to a long form sales page (and not a product description page)

20:14 - How to evaluate the different growth levers of an ad campaign

27:20 - What is working on TikTok right now


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